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5 Ways to Build a Healthy Relationship | Lovetreats

Written by Anonymous Author | 01-Feb-2022 17:16:34

In any healthy relationship, open communication is vital for keeping both people happy. When two people love each other, they need to be able to talk about their feelings and problems without worrying that the other person will judge them for what they say or how they feel. Communication becomes even more critical when engaging in a sexual relationship, as the partners need trust and honesty. We will look at how couples can keep their communication open and encourage a healthy relationship between them and their partner.

1. Make communication a priority

It may seem like obvious advice, but relationships only work if both people keep communication between them open. A quick chat about nothing can be all it takes to boost communication and help couples get through any struggles they face in their relationship. Spending time with each other is an excellent step toward establishing strong communication, as you'll have the opportunity to bring up issues you may be facing.

"A relationship without communication is just two people." 

2. Use "I Feel" statements

When opening up about problems or concerns, couples need to make sure they approach the conversation gently and clearly. Using "I feel" statements can help you begin a dialogue with your partner without causing any defences to go up. For example, instead of saying, "you always forget to do the dishes", you could say, "I feel like the dishes never get done". This helps keep everyone on the same page without anyone feeling attacked.

"I think..., I feel..., I believe..., I want..."

3. Listen to your partner

Supporting your partner is essential to building trust and encouraging growth in the partnership. Super important: being able to listen when the other person needs you. Even if it's something small, be there for your partner when they need a shoulder to cry on. 

"The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply."

4. Compliment your partner

The best relationships are relationships where both people feel confident around each other. One of the best ways to build confidence in your partner is to compliment them when they are doing something right. A little encouragement goes a long way in building self-confidence and self-esteem within your partner, which creates a long-lasting bond and partnership.

"Sometimes just a little compliment can make someone's entire day."

5. Be open to new experiences

In relationships, couples need to explore and try new things. When a couple is willing to go out on a limb and try something different or sexy, this can help them become closer. It also helps build trust between you and your partner by encouraging each other to experiment and try things that make them happy. Sexual relationships are enriched when two people work together to find unique experiences that strengthen their bond.

"Love is an experiment...what happens next is always a surprise."

Parting Thoughts

Keeping relationships healthy requires open communication between partners. If you struggle to open up to your partner, try some of these suggestions to help you feel more at ease when speaking with them. Whether it's about your sex life or everyday struggles that couples face, being open and honest is the key to ensuring that relationships grow. Building trust will help you and your partner feel confident, appreciated, and listened to by each other, which will set a strong foundation for moving forward.