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Sex During Periods - All You Need To Know

By Anonymous Author

All You Need To Know About Period Sex

Ever wonder what sex during periods would feel like? Did you ever stop yourself from getting down because you feared the messiness or what your partner would think? Sex during periods is still a major taboo in India, but in reality, there is nothing gross, unnatural or unhygienic about period sex. Just because you're having your period doesn't mean you have to forego sex. Lovetreats walks you through why there is nothing wrong with period sex.

Why is sex during periods a taboo in India?

Period sex is not talked about a lot in India, even though many couples may practice it. In fact, many Indian couples enjoy sex during periods, even if they don't talk about it. Still, many Indian women follow restrictions during their menstrual cycles regarding life at home, religious practices and, yes, the bedroom. However, this is not at all necessary from a medical perspective. Period sex is nothing to be ashamed of! The menstrual cycle is a natural process, and there is nothing unclean about it. 

If both you and your partner are fine with having sex during periods, and the only reason why you're not enjoying it is that it's taboo in India, should you stop yourself, or should you take control of what you want in the bedroom? Control in the bedroom is the affair of the people in the bedroom, not society at large! We at Lovetreats shout it out: enjoy what is natural and let go of outdated norms!

sex during periods

Is sex during periods for everyone?

While some women don't feel like having sex during their period, for others, sex during periods can be even more pleasurable than at other times of the month. Both are totally normal and okay! 

We say, if you're curious, give it a try! You can always stop if you're feeling uncomfortable. Moreover, having sex during periods can be like the first time you did it: a little messy, a little awkward. Sex or not, periods may anyways make you feel that way. And what better time to do something that would give you pleasure than during those five to seven days of the month when you need an instant lift-me-up? The "happy" hormones you release afterwards actually help alleviate the cramps. 

Many women feel more sexually aroused and sensitive during this time of the month because of the changes in hormone levels. Many women also experience an increased feeling of congestion in the pelvic area during periods, which can also ramp up your sex drive. But for some women, this extra sensitivity during periods may make it uncomfortable to have sex during this time. For those who want to try it, read the tips below for having sex during periods! The bottom line is to make sure that both you and your partner fully discuss options and needs and are comfortable with the situation.

What do Indian couples say about period sex?

We asked some Indian women and men about their opinions regarding sex during periods, and here's what we found.

period sex what do Indian couples say

Rushali, 29, from Mumbai: "Having sex during periods for me is one of the most pleasurable times to have sex, because my libido actually increases a lot on the second and third day of my period. I feel that a lot of women don’t go forward with it because they worry that their partner wouldn’t like it. I wish that Indian men would get over their fear of a menstruating woman!"

Mangala, 26, from Chennai: "I wouldn’t have any problem with period sex if the problem with leakage was taken care of and my partner was on-board. If we’re using stainless sheets or doing it in the washroom I don’t see why not. I masturbate even during periods."

Ashwin, 34, from Bangalore: "I always considered period sex a no-go, until my wife and I tried it for the first time a few years ago. It's actually not nearly as messy as you'd think."


What are some expert tips for having sex while menstruating?

Period sex tip #1: Engage in extra slow foreplay

Foreplay can be even hotter when you have sex during your cycle. When you have your period, your hormones are in overdrive, which means you might find it even easier to orgasm from touch or penetration. Try giving each other an erotic massage to slow things down and build tension before intercourse. A vibrator can provide extra clitoral stimulation. Did we mention orgasms emit biochemicals that can help ease cramps? 


Period sex tip #2: Keep some towels handy

You don't want your menstrual fluid to soak into your sheets and mattress, so when you're having sex during periods, place some towels beneath you and some tissues to your side. Or do it on furniture that is not upholstered so that you can easily wipe away any traces of your 'adventure'. 


Period sex tip #3: Stick to the missionary position

When you have sex during periods, try to lie on your back to lessen the flow of blood while you're having intercourse. Also, be careful about deep penetration because your cervix may be lower and more sensitive during your period. If anything starts to hurt, just tell your partner and proceed more gently.


Period sex tip #4: Have sex in the shower

When you're under the water flow, that other flow becomes much less noticeable. Not only is this less messy, but it's also a change of pace. Some women find that they get less wet when they have sex during periods; in this case, you can consider using lube for extra gliding during sex.


Period sex tip #5: Use contraception

en you have sex while on your period, you're at higher risk for STDs and pelvic infections. You are less likely to get pregnant, but it's not impossible. So if you thought this was your ticket to ride, sorry - you still have to stay safe. We recommend using condoms to protect you from unwanted pregnancy and most STDs.


Period sex tip #6: Talk it over beforehand

Even though it is perfectly hygienic and safe, not everybody feels comfortable with period sex. So it might be best not to surprise your partner with sex during periods to avoid a potentially frustrating response. He or she probably has an opinion! Talk it over and find out what your partner thinks about sex during periods before you get started.


Do you have any questions or concerns about sex during periods? Our experts will be happy to help! Simply email us your question to lovetreats@lovetreats.in , and we will get back to you.